The code is more what you’d call “guidelines” than actual rules


I’ve gotten a lot of questions about the fitness rules I live by. Let me clear up a point for everyone: I’m not so good with rules.  While at my insanely strict college, my lack of respect for arbitrary rules got me in a bit of trouble, namely a suspension.  That’s right, I got suspended from college. It was for having an all-girl margarita night in my apartment at age 21.  I know, I know, the nerve we had in those wild college days. Such rebels.

Anyway, I know this is a repeat of what I’ve already shared: I can’t follow arbitrary rules for the sake of having rules. It’s not in my blood. This is why I struggle with random diet restrictions, strict workout plans, and ideas I find to sound nuts. It’s my life and I’d like to live it, you know?

I don’t want you to think of these as some training/nutrition expert’s gospel truth keys to success. This is what worked for me, and if it works for you that is AWESOME!  My goal with this is to share ideas that gave me results. Disagree with me? Have more? Let me know!

Tips for SUCCESS!

Lift Lift Lift: I’ve said it before; I’ll sing the praises from the rooftops. Lifting is a magical tool for badassery. Get some heavy stuff. Pick it up. It’ll change your life. You’ll have these muscles popping out and a sweet byproduct is your fat will melt off. All sans treadmill/elliptical.

Eat food: Sounds obvious? One would think.  Have you checked the labels of what you regularly consume? If the package says low fat/diet/sugar free, it’s likely whatever you’re eating is a hearty bowlful of chemicals. Try eating the real thing, but less…which conveniently brings me to my next point.

Portion control: Figuring out how much food is required to keep you full and energized is an art. Some may disagree and call it a science, but I’ve found that it takes a lot of personal discovery and testing.  I did do a lot of research on correct portion sizes, and ended up more confused than ever. List after list of eat this at this time with this…no thanks. Solution? I started by using a smaller plate and fill at least half of it with veggies and fruits.  The other half I put some kind of meat/whole grain situation. Adjust as needed.

 Eat when hungry: Don’t eat because you’re bored. Don’t eat because your boyfriend pissed you off. Eat because your body lacks energy or your tummy is growling.

Water: Drink it. Lots of it. It will make you feel full, keep you hydrated, and your skin will glow. You’ll also tend to lay off the soda and sugary juices when you focus on drinking tons of water. Nuff said.

Don’t spot train “problem areas”: You know what’s super frustrating? Doing hundreds of crunches and still be flabby. Strengthening your core is phenomenal, but don’t think that training one spot is going to cause your fat to melt away. I only say this to keep your expectations realistic. Losing fat all over your body will help your awesome muscles pop out. This also means that your boobs might shrink. It’ll be ok. I promise.

Drink red wine! I’m not actually sure that this really has helped achieve my fitness goals.  What I can say is that it clearly hasn’t hindered them, and a little red wine makes life so much better;)

I hope these have helped! If you have any you think I missed, let me know. I might not know of your genius advice yet!
